Dulux Trade Floorshield - Ash Grey - 5 Litre
Dulux Trade Floorshield
Product Description
Floorshield from Dulux Trade is a hard-wearing, single-pack, solvent-based floor paint with an attractive mid sheen finish suitable for concrete, wood and steel. Due to excellent film hardness and erosion resistance, Floorshield from Dulux Trade is capable of standing up to scuffing in light to medium traffic areas, mild chemical spillage and repeated washing. Under normal circumstances, this ensures your environment achieves a lasting, high-quality look.Application Description
Application : Brush or roller only. For health and safety reasons related to all solvent based paints, spray application is not recommended. STIR THOROUGHLY BEFORE USE. New or bare porous surfaces must be sealed with a thinned coat of Floorshield from Dulux Trade (up to 10% white spirit). The normal finishing system is 2 coats of Floorshield from Dulux Trade. Note: Do not use in areas of heavy industrial use, aggressive environments, car showrooms, floors that are in prolonged contact with simultaneously hot & wet vehicle tyres or power float/case hardened concrete that has not been treated with acid etch or a mechanical method of roughening up the surface. In addition please do not use in combination with silicate hardeners, Terrazzo and Granolithic or substrates that have not fully dried out or do not incorporate an effective damp-proof membrane. This material is intended for domestic/light industrial/commercial situations. Some concrete floors may take up to 12 months to dry in depth.- FinishMatt
- CoverageUp to 16m² per litre
- Drying Time2-4 hours
- Recoatable12-16 hours
- ThinningWhite Spirit 10
- CompositionSolvent-based