Liberon Furniture Repair Ring Remover - 125ml
For Interior Use
Suitable for Kitchens and Bathrooms
Shake well before use. Apply using a clean, lint-free cotton cloth and rub vigorously in a circular motion over the mark until it is removed. Buff with a clean, dry cotton cloth then wax or polish as normal.
Always test the product on a spare surface or inconspicuous area for colour, compatibility and end results.
Ring Remover may produce a shiny surface when used on matt or satin finishes. If this occurs gently matt back the surface with Ultra Fine (0000) Steel Wool and re-wax with Black Bison Paste Wax.
White marks made by water or heat on waxed surfaces may be removed using Wax and Polish Remover.
Dark marks made by water or heat indicate damage to the wood. The finish may need to be completely removed so the bare wood can be treated with Wood Bleacher.